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March 14, 2024

对于这样规模的学校来说, Fremont Christian offers students a wide array of extracurricular activities, 包括那些在其稳健 athletics program. 但即使有这么多的校园选择, some students opt to participate in other hobbies and sports. Two such students, 大四的霍华德·卡姆和大三的埃琳娜·周, 我选择了武术(武术的中文术语), a sport in which they have proven not just adept but exceptional.

Finding Their Passion

霍华德早年在香港一家电视台看武侠剧,这激发了他对武术的最初兴趣. “The channel had a lot of dramas with martial arts,” he says. “I saw that, and I was like, wow, this is really awesome and super cool."

His parents, understanding his passion, allowed him to pursue wushu at the age of six. 尽管做出了承诺和牺牲,但他目前每周训练4到5次,每次3小时, 包括用一把直剑和一支长矛——霍华德在超越极限的过程中找到了成就感. 他强调了享受这段旅程的重要性,他说:“胜利对我来说不一样. 我逐渐意识到的是,我必须愿意在实践和准备中推动自己."

埃琳娜在很小的时候就对武术产生了兴趣,部分原因是她的母亲开了一家功夫学校. 她七岁时开始练习, and the physical activity soon became an integral part of her identity. 平衡学术与武术, Elena强调了FCS的支持性环境, 她表示,老师们的包容和理解是她从上一所学校转学的主要原因, 这是不被接受的.

霍华德也赞同这种观点, “If, for example, I have a competition, 我可以提前问我的老师布置作业, tests, or whatever I need. 他们非常支持我.”


两位学生的付出都得到了回报. Howard has competed in several high-profile competitions, including the Golden State International Wushu Championships, 虎爪(他是总冠军), 以及著名的泛美武术锦标赛, 为此,他前往巴西,并将金牌带回了家.

Elena has also competed in esteemed competitions, including the World Wushu Championships. “I got to see athletes who do this sport for like a living — athletes from China, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia — who I would normally watch online to get inspiration for my own routine. 我在同一个场地比赛. 我只记得那太超现实了,因为我就像, ‘Oh, my gosh, 这些人和我做一样的事, 我还能亲眼见到他们.’” She has also traveled to Indonesia to compete in the World Junior Wushu Championship.

Howard, 参加过国内和国际比赛, 强调武术的团体意识. “与你竞争的人会推动你变得更好. The community is a big part of what draws people into the sport.”

Elena echoes this sentiment, emphasizing wushu’s transformative power. “它教会了我纪律和毅力. 它不仅仅是一项运动——它是一种生活方式.”


February 28, 2024

十大博彩公司的精神周不仅仅是日历上的又一个星期——它是一个充满活力的团结庆祝活动, creativity, 学校的骄傲将学生和教师聚集在一起,参加一系列的活动和活动. 由学生活动总监傅吉米带领, Spirit Week offers a unique opportunity for students to showcase their talents, 建立持久的友谊, 创造珍贵的回忆.

今年的主题是“桌游”,庆祝活动于1月27日开始, with a flurry of activity as students dove into skit and dance rehearsals, 每个班由各自的指导老师指导. As the day progressed, 学生们聚在一起进行体育馆的装修, infusing the space with the vibrant energy of Homecoming and basketball excitement. 这一天以更多的排练结束,以确保每一次表演都完美无缺.

Each class chose a different board game for their theme:

  • 九年级:人生游戏
  • 十年级:糖果乐园
  • 11th grade: Jumanji
  • 12th grade: Monopoly

Throughout the week, 活动继续吸引着学校社区, 课程根据不同的标准获得分数. Students gathered to engage in various games and challenges, 展示每个班级制作的视频, 表演充满活力的班级舞蹈, and take the stage with creative skits that highlighted their class unity and talent. 周五看到了精神集会, featuring the introduction of the Homecoming court and a basketball game. 周六的舞会使兴奋达到高潮,今年的舞会以假面舞会为主题.

今年精神周的冠军是大三班. 祝贺他们和所有参与的人!


为期一周的年度活动与十大博彩公司的团结价值观无缝对接, leadership, 全面发展. 通过营造一个支持和包容的环境, 精神周使学生能够发挥自己独特的才能和优势,同时促进同龄人之间的合作和积极的关系.

Mr. Fu employs various strategies to encourage student participation, 强调团队合作的价值, leadership, and personal growth. 通过积极的同伴压力和包容性的领导, 我们的学生活动总监——他本人也是FCS校友——鼓励学生积极参与精神周活动.

Student leaders play a pivotal role in organizing and leading Spirit Week activities. 发挥他们的领导才能, class presidents and council members collaborate closely with Mr. 能够计划和执行各种活动, ensuring effective communication and coordination within their respective classes.

Mr. 傅在FCS的悠久历史

In his role, Mr. 傅老师与学生会密切合作,确保每个班级都能按时完成作业,并与学生合作组织各种活动. 他还推动了精神周的高潮活动, 包括返校节篮球赛和舞会, encouraging widespread participation and enthusiasm among the student body.

Mr. Fu's journey at Fremont Christian School has come full circle. As an international student from Taiwan, he graduated from FCS in 2006. 在接受了高等教育并获得了活动管理和酒店管理方面的经验后,Mr. Fu returned to serve as a faculty member and youth leader. 他与学校根深蒂固的联系以及他对学生参与的热情促使他致力于使精神周成为每个参与其中的人难忘的经历.

Spirit Week is more than just a series of events — it's a celebration of community, teamwork, and the unique spirit that defines Fremont Christian School. Guided by Mr. 在学生们的热情推动下, 精神周一直是一个珍贵的传统,也是十大博彩公司充满活力的精神和社区精神的证明.

Tags: spirit week

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Gets a Boost With Friendzy

December 07, 2023

十大博彩公司了解情商在塑造全面发展的个人方面发挥的关键作用. 这就是我们与Friendzy合作的原因, 社会情绪学习(SEL)的领先项目, to provide an enriching experience tailored for our students. After piloting the program last year and being quite impressed with the results, FCS已决定将该计划扩展到TK-12. 

Friendzy圣经友谊计划强调建立健康的十大博彩公司,为学习创造安全的环境. 精心设计的TK-12课程, rooted in scripture, aims to empower students with practical skills — such as respect, confidence, problem-solving, and communication — for navigating the complexities of emotions and relationships. Teaching friendship skills supports students in managing their emotions, improving their ability to set and achieve positive goals, 对他人感同身受, 保持积极的关系, 做出负责任的决定. 

Friendzy covers a range of essential social and emotional skills. From understanding emotions to conflict resolution and responsible decision-making, the program provides a comprehensive foundation for our students' personal growth. The curriculum is divided into well-thought-out modules tailored to different age groups, ensuring age-appropriate content that aligns with students' evolving experiences.

Friendzy的一个显著特点是它将在线资源与现实世界的应用程序相结合. 通过可访问的在线平台, 学生参与视频, exercises, 以及鼓励自我反省的活动. 这种技术和实践学习的动态组合为我们的学生形成了身临其境的体验.

通过与Friendzy的互动,FCS老师和教育工作者已经观察到我们学生的生活产生了切实的积极影响. 我们看到学生们越来越自信, compassion, 以及应对挑战时的适应力. 

“自从我开始和我的八年级学生一起使用Friendzy, 我注意到他们互相帮助更多了,我们的计算机科学老师玛雅·马修斯说. “他们会提醒彼此关于Friendzy的教导,如果他们注意到课堂上有人需要帮助,他们会花时间伸出援手. They even stay a bit after the bell to put back their chairs and tidy up the classroom. That's definitely progress compared to the beginning of the year, when they used to talk over each other and rush out the door at the end of class.”

Students themselves can feel the positive impact Friendzy has had on their time on campus, 如下图所示. 

Friendzy isn't just a supplement — it's a tool for transformation. 它的方法很有条理, 将在线可访问性与有形可访问性相结合, applicable skills, sets a solid foundation for our students' holistic development.

欲知详情,请浏览 此次合作反映了我们对培养全面发展的人才的承诺,这些人才不仅具备学术知识,而且具备在不断变化的世界中茁壮成长所需的情商. 

Navigating Early Education: Choosing Between Montessori and Play-Based Learning

August 31, 2023

When looking for the perfect educational fit for their child, 许多家长更喜欢蒙台梭利学校. 然而,许多人没有意识到的是 play-based learning 能完成许多相同的目标吗. 以下是基于游戏的学习如何与蒙台梭利价值观保持一致,同时为孩子的成长提供不同的视角.


These are just a few of the more important ways that the two learning methods are similar. 

培养独立. 蒙台梭利教育以通过自主活动培养独立性而闻名. 以游戏为基础的学习同样鼓励独立,允许孩子们根据自己的兴趣进行探索和选择.

个性化的学习. Montessori schools focus on tailoring education to each child's unique pace and preferences. 
Play-based education inherently adapts to individual learning styles, ensuring that children engage with activities that resonate with them personally.

Hands-On Exploration. 蒙台梭利教室提供专门的材料,让孩子们亲身体验学习. 
以游戏为基础的学习是以触觉为基础的, hands-on exploration, 提供各种材料和活动,激发创造力和批判性思维.

Joyful Learning. 蒙台梭利强调,当孩子们真正投入并快乐地探索时,他们学得最好. 
以游戏为基础的教育在创造一个学习与享受同义的环境中蓬勃发展, 培养对学习的终身热爱.

龄互动. Montessori classrooms often group children of different ages, 让年轻人向长辈学习. 
Play-based settings naturally facilitate mixed-age interactions, 尤其是在户外活动时, 使年幼的孩子能够向年长的玩伴学习,发展重要的社交技能.


So, 为什么你会考虑以游戏为基础的学校,即使你最初被蒙台梭利教育所吸引?

Holistic Growth. Just like Montessori, 以游戏为基础的学习促进全面发展, nurturing cognitive, social, emotional, 通过富有想象力的游戏来促进身体发育.

勘探的灵活性. 以游戏为基础的教室提供了探索广泛兴趣和活动的灵活性, allowing your child to discover and develop passions organically.

自然学习节奏. 在基于游戏的环境中, 孩子们按照自己的节奏学习, aligning with Montessori's goal of individualized education.

培养自我激励. 以游戏为基础的学习鼓励内在动机, as children actively engage in activities that pique their curiosity and enthusiasm.

在考虑孩子的教育之旅时, it's essential to weigh your priorities and values against the options available. 而蒙台梭利教育则有其独特的优势, 我们应该认识到,许多相同的目标可以通过基于游戏的方法来实现. 当你探索可能性的时候, 记住,孩子的正确选择最终取决于他们独特的个性, learning style, 以及你的教育抱负. 无论是蒙台梭利还是游戏, 我们的目标是一样的:为你的孩子未来的成功打下坚实的基础,培养他们对学习的终身热爱.

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